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Every reviewer has a chance to win a signed, printed copy of the book they review! See below for details.


  • Within 60 Days of release (though closer to release date really helps out the book's success)

  • NO MUST-LOVE (four or five stars is not required, appreciated, but not required :)


So what do you ask for?

  • That you review on at least one of the retail sites listed above (Amazon helps the most)

  • That you do your best to review the book before the next one comes out. Release week is optimal to help my sales, but it isn't required. Can't read and review it yet? I'll wait to send the next book to you until you can review the prior

Sounds great. I'm in! So how does it work? 

Sign up and receive free eBooks of my latest releases and exclusive swag (if you're comfortable giving me your address) in exchange for leaving a review on retail sites (It is up to you if you want to review it on social media platforms. I would love it if you did, but it is not required). But, if you haven't reviewed the last book I sent on retail sites by the time the next one comes out, the latest release won't come to you until you do. Apologies that I can't do physical ARCs. The books and shipping together cost a lot. HOWEVER... (See right)


Everyone on my review team who enjoys and reviews my book on retail sites gets entered into a giveaway for a chance to win a signed printed copy of that book!

Frequently Asked Questions: 

"But what if I didn't like it?" 

That's okay too! Not every book is for every reader. And even if you like some of my books, you may not like them all. If this happens and you aren't comfortable leaving a review, but still want to receive the next book, or a book of mine in a different series, that's perfectly fine. Just let me know the book wasn't for you and you would rather not leave a review, and we're golden. 

"But I haven't read your other books. Can I get those as well?"
Click on the contact me button above and let me know and I'll reach out.

"Why retail sites instead of Goodreads or other social media?"
Reviews on retail sites help other readers, and help the retailers decide whether or not to give my book more face time, as it were (show up on recommended reads, also purchased by, etc.), and all other platforms of rights, such as Movie/TV, media, care deeply about how many reviews a book has on retail sites. Social media helps a lot, too, but retail sites are key.
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